With Wondering Awe | Canzoni di Natale | Supertesti.it

With Wondering Awe

Testo With Wondering Awe

With wondering awe the wise men saw
The star in heaven springing,
And with delight, in peaceful night,
They heard the angel singing:
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to His name!

By light of star they traveled far
To seek the lowly manger,
A humble bed wherein was laid
The wondrous little Stranger.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to His name!

And still is found, the world around,
The old and hallowed story,
And still is sung in every tongue
The angels‘ song of glory:
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to His name!

The heavenly star its rays afar
On every land is throwing,
And shall not cease till holy peace
In all the earth is growing.
Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to His name!

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